Casa de Zari B&B is a colonial monument house dating back from XVIII, opened to the public as a B&B. Campeche became a UNESCO World Heritage City in 1999 and the house was catalogued as a historical monument. It is located in the oldest barrio of Campeche and only a 5 minute walk away from the walled city and 5 minutes away from the malecón.

Disfruta de ingredientes de la región

  • Chaya de nuestra huerta
  • Chocolate hecho en casa
  • Mermeladas hechas en casa
  • Masa de Tenabo

Elije todos los días tu desayuno

  • Jugo o fruta
  • Café o té
  • Huevos al gusto
  • Hotcakes 
  • Pan tostado y mermeladas hechas en casa


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